PRESS RELEASE: AFSCME Council 13 members endorse John Fetterman for US Senate

Harrisburg, PA (August 23, 2022) – Members of AFSCME Council 13’s Statewide Steering Committee, which consists of rank-and-file union members from across the commonwealth, voted unanimously to endorse Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman as Pennsylvania’s next US Senator.

The committee heard remarks from Fetterman at the AFSCME District Council 84 office in Pittsburgh on August 23, 2022.

“I have been a proud ‘union way of life’ candidate throughout my entire career. If I’m ever in a position to vote pro-union or anti-union – it’s never a question for me. It’s pro-union,” John Fetterman said to the committee members.

Fetterman is the current Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania and started his political career as Mayor of Braddock. Fetterman has fought boldly to expand worker rights and increase wages, and he would continue to do so as Pennsylvania’s next senator.

AFSCME is excited to endorse a strong defender of the union way of life in John Fetterman.

Members of Council 13’s Statewide Steering Committee encourage their fellow union members to get out and vote for John Fetterman in this pivotal election.

AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees) is the largest affiliate in the AFL-CIO. AFSCME Council 13 represents more than 65,000 public employees in Pennsylvania.