Negotiations Update – June 8, 2023
This week your State Contract Negotiation Team concluded another round of negotiations with the Commonwealth as we work toward a new collective bargaining agreement. Progress has been slow but certain as we work through every detail, and your sisters and brothers are working hard to keep us moving toward a fair agreement. Significant movement was made this week compared to previous weeks, though we still have a ways to go. The team will be meeting again with the Commonwealth next week on Monday, June 12th, and we will be securing multiple bargaining dates throughout the rest of June as we work towards a tentative agreement with the employer.
There have understandably been many inquiries to Council 13 regarding the status of negotiations, as well as questions about the specifics of the proposals being discussed. We encourage you to reach out to your Local Union President or other representative who participated in negotiations on your behalf so you can get updated. District Council Directors are holding regular meetings with all State Local Union Presidents to discuss details and provide more in-depth updates, so that they are able to relay that information to Members of their respective local.
It would not be wise for the union, or any party engaged in such high-stakes negotiations, to publicly share every detail of the proposals being discussed, and it is best that members share information amongst themselves at union meetings and during appropriate times at work.
Council 13’s Member Resource Center is here to answer any questions that we possibly can, and we can help you get in touch with that local leadership who will keep you in the loop. Just call 1-800-5-AFSCME or email [email protected].
We encourage you to show your solidarity by obtaining your green AFSCME Council 13 wristband and wearing it to work every day until we secure a deal, and remember to wear any permitted green apparel to work on Fridays!